Friday, February 8, 2013


Massage New Jersey: Relax and Alleviate Daily Stresses

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Daily life is full of issues, big and small, that can cause you to become not only mentally exhausted, but physically run down as well. Stresses from the workplace or being home with the kids and financial worries, to name a few, can really take their toll on your body.


relaxation, massage, massage new jersey, Shiatsu, pre-natal massage, new york massage, stress, detoxifying,

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Daily life is full of issues, big and small, that can cause you to become not only mentally exhausted, but physically run down as well. Stresses from the workplace or being home with the kids and financial worries, to name a few, can really take their toll on your body.

It’s a well-known fact that geographic areas like the East Coast, New Jersey and New York for example, or cities in California like Los Angeles as an example of the West coast, emanate a much more stressful lifestyle than say the laid-back Southern or Mid-Western way of life. Places like New Jersey and New York move at a much faster-pace than most areas in the county. The population overall is larger, there more places to get to and things to do so there is more traffic as a result. It’s a trade-off in some respects, but one that is well worth it if you enjoy variety and don’t mind the stresses those circumstances can cause from time-to-time.

A good way to alleviate your daily stresses is with massage. It is such a nice way to wash away all the tension that has tightened your muscles and caused you to lose your energy. But there are other benefits to massage as well. A good massage will not only loosen your tight muscles, but it has a detoxifying effect on the body. Massage can relieve headaches and sinus symptoms and reduce digestive problems. It can reduce your back pain, lower your blood pressure and diminish fatigue. There’s really nothing negative that can be said about getting a massage!

If you live in an area of the country such as New Jersey, you will find that there are many places offering a variety of massage styles. Some types of massage that are available to you in New Jersey are Shiatsu, which is performed using finger and hand pressure to release blocked energy and tension. It is also good for correcting the functions of internal organs. There is Swedish style, known as soft tissue massage, which helps to eliminate blockages in the blood stream and lymphs. There is even Pre-Natal massage for those expectant mommies which aside from the obvious benefits, helps to prepare muscles for childbirth!

Check out to locate a great massage therapist in your area. The result is a wonderful feeling of relaxation, health and well being that lasts for hours. Do something nice for yourself for a change. Get a massage!


Massage Therapy For The Elderly

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You've probably heard about how effective massage therapy for elderlies is by now, but you probably don't know why it is considered so beneficial. Well, although massage therapy has been practiced for a long time, the general public has only recently started to open their minds and hearts to this technique in recent years. It is now known, and proven, that touch therapy and massage helps reduce stress in elderlies - someone who is given the massage and touch therapy sleeps de...


massage therapy

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You've probably heard about how effective massage therapy for elderlies is by now, but you probably don't know why it is considered so beneficial. Well, although massage therapy has been practiced for a long time, the general public has only recently started to open their minds and hearts to this technique in recent years. It is now known, and proven, that touch therapy and massage helps reduce stress in elderlies - someone who is given the massage and touch therapy sleeps deeper and longer.

Massage therapy provides elderlies with a very nurturing feeling and it is especially helpful for adults with medical or physical problems. The more times they experience your touch, the calmer they will become. The calmer they are, the better they are able to deal with the medical interventions that they have to go through at their old age!

Massage therapy and touch therapy have a lot in common because they have a lot to do with motion of the hands over various parts of the body. The technique involves a lot of touching, stroking, and massaging of body parts. Massage therapy might even be a little bit on the painful side - but for elderlies, this is not the case.

Some nursing professionals offer massage therapy services to elderlies they deliver. Professional nurses who offer these services will provide the technique to critically or seriously ill elderlies. These nurses work closely with the elderly's doctor and other nurses to ensure that the persons health is in no way endangered at all.

Elderlies who are not medically challenged will also benefit from massage therapy. It has been shown that elderlies who are given massage therapy from an early age tend to age more alert, smarter, and healthier in general. Make sure you treat your parents right by giving them a free massage gift!


Massage Therapy For Back Pain

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People who get chronic back pain will tell you that it is a life-altering ailment. It has serious implications on the ease of carrying out daily activities and function. Back pain sufferers can feel completely disabled by their condition and therefore, prone to depression.

Back pain is one of the most common ailments in adults and sub adult today, it can be caused by something simple as a poor lifting habit or even poor sleeping habits. This can become a very large problem...


back massage, back pain massage

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People who get chronic back pain will tell you that it is a life-altering ailment. It has serious implications on the ease of carrying out daily activities and function. Back pain sufferers can feel completely disabled by their condition and therefore, prone to depression.

Back pain is one of the most common ailments in adults and sub adult today, it can be caused by something simple as a poor lifting habit or even poor sleeping habits. This can become a very large problem, as this type of pain really has no boundaries and can last from hours to months. This is a very long time for someone to suffer this type of pain, as sometimes it can be very excruciating.

In terms of treatment, there are several. These include pills, and therapy, and braces, and acupuncture. However, one method stands out as being effective in helping people with their back pain: massage therapy.

Massage therapy for back pain is a low risk, and non-invasive method of treatment. Not only will this method help in the pain aspect, it also aids in the release of natural chemicals the body produces known as Endorphins. This is great for people who suffer from acute pains.

Historically, the use of massage therapy was not readily accepted by conventional medicine as a treatment of back pain or any other pains for that matter. However, the medical society now accepts this method as a valid complementary treatment, recognising the many therapeutic benefits that it brings.

The aim of massage therapy is quite simple; it increases circulation and blood flow that the affected area with the muscles needs. This stimulates the rejuvenation of the tissues and muscles surrounding the affected area, promoting a relaxed and stress-less flow of blood. Many times people that have back problems; they are not quite sure why they have them. Some feel they have not had an injury to any muscles in the back area so they should not be suffering.

The fact is that there are many reasons that the back can be hurting you. If there is an injury to the bone structure in the back then the muscles surrounding the injury will then become very tense in order to protect the affected bone injury. This will only make the back tired and weak, once it is at that point it will pain the person with a great deal of trouble relieving the said pain.

Back pain can easily stop you from doing what comes natural for you such as sitting or walking. This will easily become a major problem if it happens when you are in need to work, and have no other means of income. It is also known that back problems are not the hardest thing for doctors to detect or diagnose. Hence your employers and insurance companies will not be too happy either at your reason of not being able to function well.

Out of all, clearly the worst would have to be lower chronic back pain. This is the area just above the tailbone and it can be an ongoing nightmare for some. In this situations, massage therapy can bring much relief. If you are able to ease the pain, you will find that just being able to do the little things in life is a cause for celebration!


Massage Therapy – An Oldest Therapeutic Form

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Massage therapy is one of the oldest and simplest therapeutic forms. It involves stroking, pressing, and kneading different areas of the body to relieve pain.

Massage Therapy: Benefits
A good massage not only stimulates and relaxes the body but also tones it by acting on the soft tissues (muscles, tendons, and ligaments). Massage largely affects muscles that are just beneath the skin. However, if done regularly under proper conditions and in the right manner, its benefits...


massage therapy,massage,massage school

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Massage therapy is one of the oldest and simplest therapeutic forms. It involves stroking, pressing, and kneading different areas of the body to relieve pain.

Massage Therapy: Benefits
A good massage not only stimulates and relaxes the body but also tones it by acting on the soft tissues (muscles, tendons, and ligaments). Massage largely affects muscles that are just beneath the skin. However, if done regularly under proper conditions and in the right manner, its benefits extend to the deeper layers of muscles and even the organs. Thus, it strengthens the entire body and reduces its vulnerability to strains and injuries that occur because of excessive tension and structural weakness of the body.

Massage therapy also stimulates blood circulation and improves the lymphatic system (runs parallel to the circulatory system); lymphatic system is responsible for eliminating the waste material from the body. Massage therapy also calms the nervous system, reduces fatigue, and replenishes energy of an individual.

Massage Therapy: How to Do?
To begin with, choose the right equipment for effective massage therapy. You will need a firm and padded surface such as a massage table or simply a foam mattress spread on the floor to work on. You may use additional cushions and pads to support the body on the massage surface. You can choose from oils such as mineral, soya, peach and apricot kernel, grape seed, sunflower, almond, olive, and peanut, depending on which suits your body best. Additionally, keep blankets and towels handy to cover the portions of the body that are not being worked upon.

To benefit optimally from massage therapy it is important to set the right environment for massage. One must use soft lighting and music to create soothing effect during the therapy. Warm the room where you intend to massage and select a time when there are least chances of an interruption. Get your client or partner wear loose clothes, ensure that his/ her body is bare (without any jewelry or other accessories) and eyes shut, and tie the hair if it is long. Massage with clean hands and nails cut short; do not massage with wrist watch, bracelet, or fingerings on your hand. Continue to massage in upward movement for one to one-and-a quarter hour.

At its best, massage has the potential to restore an individual physically, mentally, and spiritually.


Full Body Massage Uncovered - Part 1

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A full body massage is a systematic, therapeutic stroking and kneading of your body’s muscles. There are many benefits that can be gained through regular massages including the most basic pay-off which is relaxation. But there are also additional benefits that lots of people aren't even aware of. Aside from the physical benefits of massage which can greatly help to reduce pain and inflammation in some parts of the body, it is also beneficial for your mental health because it helps reduce stress and anxiety. Those two factors alone can cause many other problems in your body.


full body massage atlanta,mimi rogers full body massage,full body sensual massage,body full japanese massage,full body massage

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A full body massage is a systematic, therapeutic stroking and kneading of your body’s muscles. There are many benefits that can be gained through regular massages including the most basic pay-off which is relaxation. But there are also additional benefits that lots of people aren't even aware of. Aside from the physical benefits of massage which can greatly help to reduce pain and inflammation in some parts of the body, it is also beneficial for your mental health because it helps reduce stress and anxiety. Those two factors alone can cause many other problems in your body.

Did you know that stress-related disorders are the basis for between 80 and 90 percent of the complaints that people visit their family physicians about? Human touch is a one of the best methods involved in the healing process, but the problem is, it’s not a method commonly practiced in modern medicine. A natural human instinct is to reach out to another person when you’re feeling overwhelmed. And if you’re like most people, you need an outlet for your frustrations, worries and concerns. Having someone to listen to you can be very comforting, but that doesn’t always solve the problem. Actually, one of the complaints heard frequently by massage therapists is that physicians don't touch their patients any more.

What’s interesting is that years ago, massage was a big part of nursing. Apparently, there used to be a much higher level of personal care with a lot more touch involved – wellness expressed through massage. But now, especially with the recent shortage of nurses, they are for the most part, as busy as the doctors. Modern nurses are performing procedures and writing charts just like the physicians do, in addition to dealing with the patient’s insurance policies and companies. There isn’t, and hasn’t been, much opportunity for nurses give their patients massages for some time. Some believe that massage is crucial to the healing process and not only in a hospital atmosphere either.

Massages in general and specifically full body massages, have become increasingly popular over the years. More and more people are taking advantage of getting a massage on a regular basis. As a result, these lucky individuals live a less stressful life with a major reduction in anxiety levels, which brings about a better, overall sense of well-being. Massage simply enhances your general health – both physically and mentally.

If you haven't tried a full body massage, it is highly recommended that you do. It’s a great way to get started on a path to healthier living and reaping the all of the benefits that a massage has to offer. After all, you owe it to yourself, don’t you?


Ice Massage For Back Pain

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You've hurt your back before and have sworn that you will be more careful. However, unknowingly, you've just hurt your back again. Maybe this points to a chronic problem; and maybe, not. However, you should not hesitate to do something about your back pain.

Back injuries, and so pain, are often caused by muscle strains. Lifting an object that is too heavy or lifted wrong can cause strained muscles. They can also occur during athlete competitions, a fall or simply a sneeze ...


ice massage, back pain

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You've hurt your back before and have sworn that you will be more careful. However, unknowingly, you've just hurt your back again. Maybe this points to a chronic problem; and maybe, not. However, you should not hesitate to do something about your back pain.

Back injuries, and so pain, are often caused by muscle strains. Lifting an object that is too heavy or lifted wrong can cause strained muscles. They can also occur during athlete competitions, a fall or simply a sneeze that caused a sudden awkward movement. While it may not be the first thing that comes to mind one alternative treatment is ice massage.

Ice not only helps lessen the pain of a back injury but it also reduces the blood flow. This helps to lessen the swelling and potentially minimize any internal bruising. The goal of ice therapy is quite simply to promote healing of the injured area. However, ice massage for back pain must be used instantly once the pain begins.

There are many different forms the ice may take. You can pour a bunch of ice cubes into a towel and after folding it so that they don’t fall out use that. Or you can use store prepared cold packs. These are very useful land can be kept in the freezer so they are available to use whenever you need them. With these you want to be careful that they don’t split and leak the gel inside them, as this can be harmful to the skin. If you have neither of these options available to you, use a package of frozen vegetables; the best would be corn or peas, as the smaller vegetables will allow the package to more easily mold to the area.

Another useful idea to make ice massage easier is to take a paper cup, made from heavier material like Styrofoam. Fill the cup with water and freeze it. Then you peel the Styrofoam back enough to expose the ice and use it to massage the area. If you have recurring back pain, then maintain a constant supply of these cups in the freezer.

Ice massage is most effective if used over a period of time. Some professionals suggest limiting it to five to seven minutes while others allow from ten to twenty minutes. But all agree that if the area becomes numb, then you have to stop the treatment.

The area is gently massaged with whatever from of ice pack you’ve chosen in a circular motion. Make sure that areas where the bone is nearer the skin are avoided. This includes the spine when dealing solely with back pain, but would also take in the knees, elbows and shoulders. At first the massaged area will begin to feel cold. Don’t be surprised that when it starts to hurt. Your skin will turn a pinkish color before it becomes numb. Stop at this point in time. If you wish, you can repeat the ice massage several times throughout the day. However, for your next session, ensure that your back has already warmed up and become room temperature again.

Ice massage for back pain is an effective and safe method that you can easily do from your home. there are many specialized packs that you can buy. These often come in leak proof containers, which can be thrown into a gym bag, as they can remain frozen for eight to ten hours. Some are even weighted to increase the feeling of pressure during massage. These are easily available but often costly. Still, certain precautions are to be taken. Try not to leave the cold pack directly on the skin. It is preferable that you wrap the cold pack in a wet cloth even while using it. You should also stop the ice massage once the skin in the affected area begins to feel numb. Also if the treatment does not begin to show significant results after seventy-two hours, you should consult your healthcare provider.


Massage Oil For Massage Therapy

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Massage oil is a great addition to any massage experience. It enhances not only the relaxing nature of the massage therapy session, but also adds to the healing benefits of the massage.

The use of massage oil is not a new idea. Homer, Plato, Socrates – all of these men referenced the use of massage oil as an aid for pain relief in their writings. Today, pain relief is one reason for using massage oil. Others include the facilitation of more gliding massage, skin nourishme...


massage oil, massage oils, massage therapy

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Massage oil is a great addition to any massage experience. It enhances not only the relaxing nature of the massage therapy session, but also adds to the healing benefits of the massage.

The use of massage oil is not a new idea. Homer, Plato, Socrates – all of these men referenced the use of massage oil as an aid for pain relief in their writings. Today, pain relief is one reason for using massage oil. Others include the facilitation of more gliding massage, skin nourishment, and the promotion of good health in general.

How do you choose a massage oil for massage therapy? First, choose an oil that is cold-pressed or expeller-pressed. Both of these have had the least amount of processing and will last longest. Prevent them from spoiling by keeping them in a cool place and adding 300 IUs of vitamin E per pint of oil monthly. In addition, essential oils, or oils that are distilled from various plants, roots, or seeds) can be added. Seek the aid of a professional to advise on a good combination.

Some oils to choose from for massage therapy include:

* Sweet almond oil – Anti-inflammatory, light, and good for most skin types, especially dry skin.

* Apricot kernel oil – Reduces stress, provides balance, and good for all skin types, especially prematurely aging skin.

* Avocado oil – This is a heavy oil best diluted at a rate of 10% in a lighter oil.

* Borage oil – Good for eczema and psoriasis, it penetrates, regenerates, and stimulates.

* Castor oil – A thick sticky oil good for drawing out toxins and for use on scar tissue. Best used in a poultice.

* Coconut oil – A thick, heavy oil that should be warmed before use. Good for cracked skin.

* Emu oil – Anti-inflammatory and used for arthritis, sore muscles, bruising, and eczema. May block pores.

* Grapeseed oil – Non-allergenic and good for all types of skin.

* Jojoba oil – A penetrating, anti-bacterial oil for eczema and acne.

* Kukui nut oil – Anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory that is light and has a slight warming effect.

* Olive oil – Has a warming effect and relieves stiffness.

Different skin types will fare better with different types of oil. As such, it will be a good idea to experiment with different kinds for massage therapy. If one doesn't work, try another. Also, some may personally prefer the smell or the effects of one massage oil to another. The selection of massage oils is pretty wide; so there is bound to be a preferred one for just about anybody.


Massage & Massage Rollers

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When lower back pain hits you, a massage and massage rollers can be very effective in relaxing the tensed muscles. Massage is an ancient pain relieving technique and provides you relief from day-to-day stress, muscle cramps, while easing the back pain and headaches, by increasing blood circulation. A massage also flushes out toxins and wastes from your body, thus lending a healthy shine to the skin.


Massage, Massage Rollers, back pain

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When lower back pain hits you, a massage and massage rollers can be very effective in relaxing the tensed muscles. Massage is an ancient pain relieving technique and provides you relief from day-to-day stress, muscle cramps, while easing the back pain and headaches, by increasing blood circulation. A massage also flushes out toxins and wastes from your body, thus lending a healthy shine to the skin.

Effective Massage through Massage Rollers

These days, an alternative way to providing your body with the much needed massage is through massage rollers. If you don’t have the time to go to a massage parlor or if you are staying alone, you can use a massage roller to give yourself instant relief. There are various types of massage rollers available in the market today:

The Omni Massage roller –

It provides pressure and has the necessary mobility for a great massage. It has a directional massage ball, with an easy to grip handle. You can use it anywhere and carry it in your purse or bag. You can massage your lower back, neck or even forehead, if you have a headache.

You can begin by applying pressure on the roller and then gently roll the ball in circular motions around the lower back. While moving it in circular motion, you can apply the necessary pressure. Once you are able to identify the spot from where the pain is originating, you can continue to massage the affected area for 10-20 minutes. The massage roller will, thus, provide you relief as it soothes and loosens the muscle tissue or ligaments. It will also gradually increase your blood circulation, leading to the healing of the affected area and elimination of the back pain.

You can also find a Knuckle baller sports massager in markets. This massager fit into your hand near the knuckles and has four directional massage balls to provide you with four times the comfort. A Knuckle baller sports massager is small, so, you can carry it to a theater, park or your office. Massage anytime and feel relaxed!


Massage Therapy School - Training And Information Guide.

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Ah, do you know what would be good right now No, it's not a cheeseburger or a chocolate cake. Okay, well a chocolate cake would be rather choice, but I was referring to somewhat far from the food type. Possibly a massage. Have you ever taken the time to spoil in a wonderful massage I must admit it's one of my favorite experiences. There's just something about forged on a table and having your back kneaded ever so skillfully that helps me to relax. It's without a doubt, someth...


massage therapy school,masseuse,massage specialists

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Ah, do you know what would be good right now No, it's not a cheeseburger or a chocolate cake. Okay, well a chocolate cake would be rather choice, but I was referring to somewhat far from the food type. Possibly a massage. Have you ever taken the time to spoil in a wonderful massage I must admit it's one of my favorite experiences. There's just something about forged on a table and having your back kneaded ever so skillfully that helps me to relax. It's without a doubt, something every human being should try. Thank God for the ever-popular massage therapy school. That's right; a number of people are taking advantage of these as we speak. A massage therapy school can lead to a wonderful career. Can you imagine total silence and clam, soothing music with no boss yelling in your face If this sounds ideal, maybe it's time you looked into a massage therapy school in your area.

The concept of massage has become rather popular in recent times. Sure, it's been around for centuries, but these days we have a plethora of high-end salons and spas on every corner to satisfy our tired aching muscles. Just last month I stepped into the local salon and spa for a little R and R. I was lead down a winding staircase and toward a small door. After entering the serene room, my mind was set at ease as pleasant aromas tickled my nose. I soon fell into a perfect nirvana of stress-less relaxation. Yeah, I know it sounds like some David Lynch film However, this was my last experience with a masseuse. She even told me about the massage therapy school she attended in Cincinnati. Being the curious fellow that I am, I had to make a few inquiries. She told me that she loved the massage therapy school training and they actually helped place her with a job. You can hardly beat that. All I could think about was I'm jealous of her husband. I need a masseuse for a wife.

If you are interested in massage therapy school, you can easily hop online to check out a variety of options. There are virtually schools all over the country now days. You can also acquire the pay rates for massage specialists these days. Although it will vary from spa to spa, they do provide an average, which is pretty decent. Get your magic touch from a massage therapy school and start earning a living in a more peaceful atmosphere.


Massage Therapy And Repetitive Strain Injuries

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There is no question that conservative therapy is the best option for those suffering with a Repetitive Strain Injury. From Trigger Finger to Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, conservative therapy produces the best results, limited side effects (if any), quicker results and long-lasting relief.

There are many types of conservative treatments that provide a variety of positive benefits to the user. Massage Therapy is a terrific conservative treatment that provides good results by i...


carpal tunnel syndrome,repetitive strain injury, medical,health,medicine,therapy,ergonomics,

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There is no question that conservative therapy is the best option for those suffering with a Repetitive Strain Injury. From Trigger Finger to Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, conservative therapy produces the best results, limited side effects (if any), quicker results and long-lasting relief.

There are many types of conservative treatments that provide a variety of positive benefits to the user. Massage Therapy is a terrific conservative treatment that provides good results by itself, and even greater results when combined with a stretch and exercise routine.

Massage is used to help relax and lengthen tight, restrictive muscles, break down scar tissue in injured muscles, reduce adhesions on affected tendons at their point of attachment to the muscle or to the bone, remove toxins from muscles and increase overall circulation and nutrient delivery to the associated tissues. All of these wonderful benefits help overworked muscles to relax and injured muscles to recover. The problem is this. Massage Therapy does not correct the muscle imbalances causing the Repetitive Strain Injury. Massage Therapy can greatly assist the rehabilitation / treatment process, but once a muscle has been injured and has atrophied to any significant degree, or a muscle has gone into a state of chronic hypertonicity, other therapeutic elements must be added to the treatment regimen in order to completely eliminate the Repetitive Strain Injury.

An integral part of treating Repetitive Strain Injuries is the implementation of a stretch and exercise routine specifically designed to create structural integrity and muscle balance where the injury exists. If the injury is Tennis Elbow, there must be an equality of strength between the wrist and elbow flexors, wrist and elbow extensors, and wrist and forearm pronators and supinators. By creating strong flexible muscles surrounding the specific joint, that joint will no longer be highly susceptible to Repetitive Strain Injuries.

The integration of Massage Therapy, stretches, exercises and hydrotherapy is a highly effective treatment protocol for many types of injuries. An example of a treatment sequence for a ‘chronic injury', no matter the affected area, should follow along these lines:

Hydrotherapy Heat - Heat to increase circulation to the area, making the soft tissues relaxed and pliable.

Massage Phase-I – Specific massage treatment utilizing Trigger Point Release techniques to release muscle spasm and Transverse Friction Massage to break down adhesions.

Stretch – Stretch overly restrictive tissues to increase their length and reduce their compression of underlying tissues.

Exercise – Perform strengthening exercises for the affected tissues in order to reduce tensile strain on the injured area, heal micro-tears and increase healing nutrients to the injured area. Strong muscles create stability and prevent future reoccurrence of micro-tears to a previously affected area.

Massage Phase-II – Perform light Petrissage and Effleurage towards the heart to remove the toxins created from undergoing Trigger Point Release, Transverse Friction Massage, stretches and exercises.

Hydrotherapy Cold – Cool the injured tissues in an elongated position as to not lose range-of-motion (ROM) of the affected tissues and to further remove toxins from the area.

Massage Therapy and the involvement of the techniques listed above are very effective in eliminating chronic Repetitive Strain Injuries. Any one element by itself is OK, but by implementing several sound conservative techniques, the success rate of the treatment increases dramatically. Remember, when injuries are present, choose the “Conservative Alternative”.


Massage – For Health Or Entertainment

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There are many advantages and benefits to receiving massage therapy. For many years, it has been used to help heal the body, ease certain medical conditions, and help prevent others from occurring. Because of this, it is seen as an important, well-respected profession used by many people on a daily basis.

Whether you make an appointment with a massage therapist for medical reasons, or would like to relax and relieve stress, there is a type of massage that can help you....


sensual massage toronto, toronto erotic massages

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There are many advantages and benefits to receiving massage therapy. For many years, it has been used to help heal the body, ease certain medical conditions, and help prevent others from occurring. Because of this, it is seen as an important, well-respected profession used by many people on a daily basis.

Whether you make an appointment with a massage therapist for medical reasons, or would like to relax and relieve stress, there is a type of massage that can help you. Massage therapists are trained individuals who have a good understanding of the human body and how it works. They know all the bones and muscles, and how to properly relieve tension and release certain chemicals that help rejuvenate the body. That is why it is taken very seriously, and should always be treated this way. To some, however, massage therapy is seen as a form of entertainment.

This has been the source of some debate in the industry. Because some see massage therapy as an option of a more personal nature, it is often assumed that a massage therapist may provide it for this reason. That is rarely ever the case, as actual therapists are there to serve the community by provided a much needed and sought after service that helps many people on a daily basis. The therapist is there to give a massage, so if a client is there for any other reason than to receive one, he or she may want to consider looking elsewhere for this preferred form of entertainment.

There are several ways to handles such situations if they do occur. If a session is perceived as anything but professional, many massage therapists will choose to immediately terminate the session. This is because it is often clearly stated up front that the massage is for reasons of relief and relaxation, and should only be construed as such. If the company does not advertise otherwise, it is good to assume this is the case. Sometimes a bit of clarification will help the situation and set customers straight on what services are and aren’t offered. Though the debate remains, the end result is very clear. The purpose of massage therapy is just that, to provide therapy to those requesting that particular service. It is a profession that is not meant for entertainment, and should never become uncomfortable for either the therapist or the client.


Massage Therapy Basics

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Whether you have healing hands or sore muscles, find out more about massage therapy!


massage therapy education, health, wellness, healing

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What is massage therapy?
Massage therapy is a manipulation of muscles, ligaments, tendons, skin, fascia, and joints in the body. It is a practice that has been around since the beginning of peopledom. In fact, ancient techniques are still employed in today’s modern world.

The benefits of massage are extensive. Not only can it help alleviate pain and aid in physical maladies and day-to-day functioning, but it impacts mental and emotional wellbeing. Relaxation, awareness, anxiety, and depression can all be aided and eased with massage therapy.

Massage boosts the immune system, relaxes and reduces anxiety, alleviates pain, reduces blood pressure and heart rate, stimulates lesser used muscles, increases endorphins, aids physical rehabilitation, and improves circulation (blood and lymph).

There are many different techniques and therapies in the field of massage. Some of these may be familiar to you already, even if you do not know specifically what they entail.

Swedish: Probably the most well known technique, and for good reason; it’s quite popular.

Acupressure is like acupuncture without the needles. Specific points are targeted and pressure applied to create a therapeutic effect.

Aroma Therapy is often used in tandem with other techniques. It consists of using fragrant oils for healing benefits. These oils can be applied to the skin or simply allowed to perfume the air thus allowing those nearby to receive benefits nasally.

Canadian Deep Tissue Massage: A technique that focuses on a muscle group working with the fibers of the muscle tissue to rejuvenate each level of muscle including deep tissue.

Deep Tissue Massage works to invigorate and stimulate the muscle issue on a deep level. It involves more intense manipulation and can provide tremendous benefits on many levels. Not only does it help release toxins from the body, it helps

Hot Stone Massage: Warm stones are used on the body with gentle pressure to provide a soothing, therapeutic sensation.
Infant Massage: Becoming more popular everyday, infant massage has been proven to help infants gain weight and speed development. It is taught to mothers as a way to bond with their new children.

Other techniques include Chi Nei Tsang, Reflexology, Shiatsu,Thai Massage, Amma Therapy, Alexander Technique, Aston Patterning, Bioenergetics, Bowen Technique, and Craniosacral Therapy.

Massage therapists are required to pass standardized tests in order to receive a license and become a registered massage therapist. Training is often completed at a trade, vocational, or career college and is usually completed in 2 years or less depending on the school and the program.

Massage therapy is considered a health field and massage therapy is often covered under many health plans because of its proven healing and beneficial results.

Massage is private and safe. Depending on the type of massage you receive, partial body, full body, 30 minute or longer, you may have to undress completely or not at all. The room should be warm and comfortable and there may be light music playing. If the environment makes you uneasy, do not hesitate to inform your therapist; a massage should be a relaxing and pleasant experience. This is true if you feel pain during any part of your massage experience. Some techniques are more intensive and may be a bit uncomfortable at times, but if you feel anything that makes you uneasy, do not hesitate to speak up.

Whether you are considering a career in massage therapy or if you are just interested in finding out more information about what it is and how it can benefit you cannot deny the value of a good massage.

You would not believe how lucky I am in my career. I have what is undoubtedly the best job in the world, and that is no lie. You see, I write massage chair reviews for a living! Writing a massage chair review is exactly like you would expect it to be. All I have to do is sit down in a comfortable massage chair, relax, and enjoy. Then, while I am enjoying the healthful and relaxing benefits of an excellent massage, I sit down and put my thoughts to paper.

Of course, I would never admit this in front of my boss, but reading a massage chair review is worthless. Worthless might be overstating it slightly, but not by very much. You see, no matter what massage chair companies say, a massage is a very personalized and subjective thing. Sometimes a good massage chair can hit you right where you need it to, but it is usually just a matter of chance. If it is the right size for you and gives you the right amount of pressure for your own tastes, then you are likely to enjoy it. This, however, does not mean that someone else will.

The one thing that a massage chair review can do for you is give you some ideas for further investigation. If the massage chair reviewed is said to be very unique and unlike other massage chairs that you've tried, it might be worth checking out. But in general, it is completely hit or miss. Everybody has different places where they keep tension, so what works for you might not work for someone else. Some of the top-of-the-line massage chairs try to address everyone's needs, but they always fail. I know. I have written a massage chair review about each and every one of them.

Nonetheless, there's something pleasant about reading a massage chair review. Whenever I read one, I get to vicariously enjoy the relaxation that the reviewer is feeling. I can almost feel the heated back of the massage chair, the vibrations, and the gentle rollers moving up and down my back. Maybe this is why the massage chair review business is booming. It is not that people want to know about massage chairs (or any furniture for that matter), but that they like to read about them and imagine them. After all, it is always fun to see the world through someone else's eyes.


How To Find A Qualified Massage Therapist

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It's essential that you trust the person who will be touching you. You should feel confident and comfortable with your massage therapist.

The place to start is with credentials. Regarding state regulation, 33 states and the District of Columbia now regulate massage therapists. If you are in one of these states you will want to find out if your prospective massage therapist is licensed, though in some states it is referred to as state certification or registration. Some loc...


massage, relaxation, relax, therapy, therapists, tips, help, self-help, wellness

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It's essential that you trust the person who will be touching you. You should feel confident and comfortable with your massage therapist.

The place to start is with credentials. Regarding state regulation, 33 states and the District of Columbia now regulate massage therapists. If you are in one of these states you will want to find out if your prospective massage therapist is licensed, though in some states it is referred to as state certification or registration. Some local governments may also have some form of regulation.

The primary national credential is the designation Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, which is designated by the initials NCTMB. Professional certification differs from governmental regulation because it is private (i.e., non-governmental) and not compulsory. The designation NCTMB is awarded by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB), which is a non-profit corporation. The Board is elected by the people who are nationally certified.

People earn the designation NCTMB by meeting certain requirements, generally involving education and experience, to take an exam. If they pass it, they become nationally certified for 4 years.

They must then complete certain requirements to re-certify every 4 years. What is especially significant for the consumer is the national certification program has been accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA), located in Washington, D.C. This means the national certification program has been thoroughly evaluated by an outside agency according to very rigorous standards. AMTA is proud to have been a primary contributor to the creation of the national certification program.

Another criteria is education. The minimum number of hours of training AMTA recommends looking for is 500 hours, which is the standard followed by most of the states regulating massage therapists, though the required number of hours is increasing in some places. AMTA recommends you look for a graduate of a training program that has been accredited by the Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation (COMTA) or an agency with equivalent standards. Why? To become accredited by COMTA a training program must offer a curriculum that meets certain requirements, submit an extensive self-evaluation, undergo a site visit inspection by a team of experts, and be evaluated by an independent accreditation board. This means a training program accredited by COMTA has qualified faculty to teach, proper equipment and classrooms, required teaching subjects, and other features needed to adequately train students in massage therapy. In turn, you the consumer can have some assurance about a massage therapist’s training if your prospective massage therapist graduated from an accredited training program.

Another factor to consider is whether a prospective massage therapist belongs to a credible professional association, such as AMTA. Of course, this being AMTA’s Website, we’re partial to AMTA .... and for reasons that are also good for consumers and the public. To belong to AMTA, a massage therapist must either pass the national certification exam, graduate from a training program accredited or approved by COMTA, or have a current AMTA accepted state, provincial, or city license. AMTA has practice standards that promote the highest standards in the profession. AMTA members must also follow a strict Code of Ethics, to which AMTA members are held accountable. Violations are subject to grievance procedures. AMTA is a non-profit organization whose leaders are democratically elected by its members, so its dedication to high standards and advancing the profession remains strong.

Next, you might want to ask about your prospective massage therapist’s approach to massage therapy. While some massage therapists may only use one or two types of massage, most massage therapists employ a variety of techniques in their practice. What you want to find out is if what the massage therapist offers is compatible with what you need. You can find out more about the various types of massage by looking at the glossary of definitions. The more specific your needs, the more important the massage therapist’s approach and specific skills may be. You could also ask about how many years experience the massage therapist has. By the way, some massage therapists with many years experience may have started out in an era when there weren’t as many training programs around and many of the profession’s standards were not yet in place. You can, if you wish, take their experience into account when considering their credentials.

Finally, you may find just the "right" massage therapist for you the first time you try. However, you may also need to try several massage therapists to find the "right fit" for you, because, besides credentials, there is also a personal element to massage. Personality fit is important too, so is trust. You should feel confident and comfortable with your massage therapist. Communication is an important element in massage therapy. Don’t be afraid to discuss any apprehensions or concerns.

We have a way to make finding a massage therapist a little easier .... AMTA's Find A Massage Therapist® national locator service! By using the this service, you can receive the names of several qualified massage therapists near you. If you or someone you know needs to find a massage therapist, AMTA's Find A Massage Therapist® national locator service is available on this Website to assist you.

Questions to Ask When Looking for a Massage Therapist

- Are you currently licensed as a massage therapist in this state? (If you are in one of the 33 states or the District of Columbia which regulates massage therapy)
- Are you a graduate of a training program accredited or approved by the Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation (COMTA), OR
- Are you certified by the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork?
- Where did you receive your massage therapy training? How many hours of training did you complete?
- Do you have advanced training in any specific massage techniques?
- Are you a member of AMTA?


How to Start a Career in Massage Therapy

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An informative article with advice on establishing a career as a massage therapist.


massage, massage therapy, massage techniques, massage tables

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Massage therapy can offer senior citizens a number of benefits that will greatly improve their sense of health and wellbeing. As the population continues to age, it is important to consider ways that we can work to improve the lives of those affected by the passing of time. A number of studies have shown that massage therapy can have a direct impact in managing the effects of aging. It has also shown promise in bringing comfort to those suffering from arthritis and other physical ailments.

As people age, they naturally become less active. This lack of physical activity can lead to the onset of other conditions which, if not dealt with, can greatly reduce their quality of life. The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) has been promoting the use of massage therapy for some time now. According to a recent study, there is a general awareness of massage therapy but a lack of understanding of its direct benefits.

In the case of senior citizens, there are a number of benefits that be derived from therapeutic massage. According to the Touch Research Institute, it is extremely useful in the treatment of Alzheimer's patients, as it can facilitate relaxation and communication. In the case of arthritis sufferers, it can greatly assist in pain management and help increase range of motion. It also triggers natural joint lubrication, which is extremely important for those suffering from arthritis.

Massage therapy has also shown promise by helping to increase strength and muscle coordination. It can also greatly improve one's posture by reducing muscle tension, which has the added benefit of assisting seniors with a higher quality of rest. Massage has also been known to boost one's natural energy levels, along with their mental awareness. Study after study has shown that there is a place for massage therapy within the health care community.

More and more people are becoming aware of the benefits of massage therapy. In an age where the common approach to pain management has been dominated by the interests of the pharmaceutical industry, massage therapy has shown to be an effective and natural solution to the ailments associated with process of aging. If you or a loved one are interested in learning more about the benefits of therapeutic massage, please visit the website mentioned below.


Pregnancy Massage Therapy

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The modern mum-to-be is a stressed out individual, having to cater to increasing pressures of a fast paced society and work place. Yet at the same time, she knows that her wellness is crucial especially during her pregnancy if she wants a smooth delivery process and the birth of a healthy happy baby.

This increased awareness has led to the search for alternative approaches in addition to traditional health services. Pregnancy massage therapy is one such alternative approa...


massage therapy, pregnancy massage, pregnancy massage therapy

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The modern mum-to-be is a stressed out individual, having to cater to increasing pressures of a fast paced society and work place. Yet at the same time, she knows that her wellness is crucial especially during her pregnancy if she wants a smooth delivery process and the birth of a healthy happy baby.

This increased awareness has led to the search for alternative approaches in addition to traditional health services. Pregnancy massage therapy is one such alternative approach. It has much therapeutic value as it enhances the function of muscles and joints, improves blood circulation and relieves mental and physical fatigue.

Pregnancy Massage can be prenatal, postnatal or during the labour process, although many refer pregnancy massage to just prenatal and post-natal massage to mean massage that takes place a few days after delivery.

In a prenatal massage, the massage is focused on reducing pregnancy discomforts and aims to enhance the physiological and emotional well-being of both mother and foetus. A relaxed mother also helps in the development of a brainy and healthy foetus. Also, the massage helps to strengthen and prepares the muscles that are useful for a natural delivery process.

Many women fear a long delivery process. Yet, many desire one that is as natural as possible and without the use of epidural or any other drugs. During labour, massage techniques exist to help shorten the delivery process while easing pain and anxiety.

Post-natal massage focuses on toning the new mother’s body, reduce fluid retention and and helps the body be brought back to balance and shape. It also helps to rejuvenate and re-energize the new mother and thus enhance her ability to bond with her baby.

The pregnant female should always first consult her doctors if she is suitable for massage or for any other alternative therapies that they wish to try. Her overall objective is to achieve a good mental state and physical health and to have a wonderful birthing experience.


Post Natal Massage Therapy

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Some pregnant mums have it easy. Yet others have to go through many hours of labour.

But one thing’s for sure. After the delivery process, many are just plain tired. In addition, having to breastfeed and nurse a newborn several times a night can be exhausting.

The new mum today does not have much time to rest and relax during her confinement period at home. She needs to get back to work pretty quickly and that means, facing added pressure to lose weight so that she ca...


post natal massage, postnatal massage, pregnancy massage, massage therapy

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Some pregnant mums have it easy. Yet others have to go through many hours of labour.

But one thing’s for sure. After the delivery process, many are just plain tired. In addition, having to breastfeed and nurse a newborn several times a night can be exhausting.

The new mum today does not have much time to rest and relax during her confinement period at home. She needs to get back to work pretty quickly and that means, facing added pressure to lose weight so that she can fit back to her office wear.

Post-natal massage may just be the solution to her needs. Here are 6 top benefits of Post-natal massage therapy:

1. Relaxation
2. Stress Relief
3. Relieves aches on shoulders or neck
4. Hasten the reduction of fluid retention.
5. Help uterus to shrink to original size
6. Reduce cellulite and help to tone up the body.

In many parts of Asia, many women before delivery would in fact, prebook sessions with an Indonesian massage therapist for post-natal massage. The treatment is a traditional one which has been handed down several generations and even practiced today. This treatment involves the use of a massage oil applied to the stomach and a tummy wrap (bengkung), essentially a cotton cloth of several metres. The bengkung is used to wrap the body so as to push up the uterus, clear water retention, wind, spasm, shrinks the tummy and helps to reduce weight. Post-natal massage is usually done in the privacy of one’s own home.

For a mother that has delivered her baby naturally, it is generally pretty safe to go for a post-natal massage. For those that delivered by caesarian, be sure to consult your professional massage therapist or your doctor first. Most in fact, would recommend that you wait a few more weeks before proceeding with a post-natal massage.

Post-natal massage provides a sense of continuing comfort for the new mother. The aim of this massage is to give nurturing and emotional support as well as alleviate the muscle strain of labor and childbirth. Some post natal massage therapies also come with a detoxification ritual that rids the midriff of post birth bagginess.

In some instances, post-natal massage can also bring about a much shapelier silhouette, compared to the one just before pregnancy!


Massage Therapy: Beyond Touch

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Massage therapy is a type of therapy that incorporates the use of massage in helping to heal the body in one form or another. In many cases, the simple applying of pressure to certain areas of the body will relieve aching muscles and help the individual to relax. It can help to minimize stress as well as to improve the overall health in many areas of the body. This type of therapy is one that is enjoyable and can be a treat for a person or can be part of their normal exercise...


Massage Therapy

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Massage therapy is a type of therapy that incorporates the use of massage in helping to heal the body in one form or another. In many cases, the simple applying of pressure to certain areas of the body will relieve aching muscles and help the individual to relax. It can help to minimize stress as well as to improve the overall health in many areas of the body. This type of therapy is one that is enjoyable and can be a treat for a person or can be part of their normal exercise regime.

In massage, there are several areas of the body that are targeted including the muscles, the joints, the tendons, the ligaments, and connective tissues. By applying massage techniques to these various parts of the body, a therapist can help heal injuries, help minimize pain and manage pain and it can help relieve stress that is often psychologically displayed. Massage therapy is also an avenue to improve circulation in the body as well as to relieve tension within the various parts of the body. It can be applied to the entire body or just to a specific area of it depending on the patient’s needs.

For those looking to become a massage therapist, they will need to go to a schooling process. They will study such basic things as the formation of the body, the location of muscles and the understanding of how the body works. From here, the student will learn to apply the massage in order to treat any of the needs that the patient may have. There are a number of other methods that can be used as well. For example, students will learn about hydrotherapy in which a level of massage therapy is applied with the use of water.

In all forms, massage therapy can lead to an unbelievable comfort and relaxation in most individuals!


Ignite Your Massage Therapy Business

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Get Rich Quick Scams Revealed

Read this article before you consider paying for a "get rich quick" program


Business Oppertunities

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From: Massage Therapy Success

Everybody would love to make lots of money quickly, working from home, and only doing a few hours of work per week. I've spent the past two years trying to find a great way of doing this. Only over the course of the past few months have I found any "get rich quick" programs worth buying. I've been trying to make money online for a long time. I had a few small websites, but they never made much more than a few hundred per month. It was easy money and didn't require much work on my part, but I knew there were people out there doing better than I was and I knew I could do as well as them.

Now, I've seen a lot of "get rich quick" programs. Most of these people make claims about earning $2000/day with Google or something similarly insane. Almost all of these people are complete liars. Even if they were making $2000/day with Google AdSense, it'd be because they had high- traffic websites with a lot of quality content. I'd know, because in one whole month, I never even made half of what they promised I'd make daily with their programs. Maybe you've already been scammed by one of these fraudsters. Anyway, I finally got sick of what was being offered.

I decided I'd look through the all of the "get rich quick" programs I could find and see if there were any that were actually legitimate. I found that there were owners selling their programs for well over $100, but the information in them could be found almost anywhere online for free. Additionally, they all contained out-of-date information, had no e-mail support, no money back guarantees, and broken links in the downloads section.

In conclusion, almost all of the programs I found were completely useless. The owners knew it, but they couldn't care less about their customers since they didn't offer refund policies! Amazingly, while looking through all of the programs, I actually did find a few legitimate programs. They were run by ordinary people like you and me, and they had found some great methods of making money from their home by doing very little work.

I spent some time working with those programs, and my income is now ten times what it used to be. These programs provided a large amount of great information on how to make extra money on your computer doing very little work. Numerous customers had provided great feedback and reviews for their products. Many of them have started to make money just days after buying!


Massage your worries away

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These days, when we walk into any mall, there are not one, but multiple options for every single product. At times we are lost wondering which to choose, or which would be the best of the lot.


Massage Chair, Massage chairs, massage recliner, massage lounger, buy massage chair, best massage chair

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These days, when we walk into any mall, there are not one, but multiple options for every single product. At times we are lost wondering which to choose, or which would be the best of the lot. The same happens when we go to buy massage chair. There are so many lined up, and each one looks better than the other. We tend to sit in each of them, try them out and then decide. But most of the massage chairs offer similar features, and comfort. The only difference being the manufacturer and the expense. At times, people have a fixed budget when they go shopping, especially for products such as these.

When we buy a house, we look forward to picking up furniture and other cabinets, etc that go with the décor. And if there are elderly people at home, we look towards picking up a massage recliner. These comfortable sofa like chairs, come with a massager that will help relieve all tension and worry from the body. For elders, just walking from one room to the other could be tiring. So, if there were a massage lounger at home, they can relax in it and help stay fit.

The massage chair provides massage on specific points by giving rotary motion on that area. There are nodes placed in most places where people require massaging, and the chair works its miracles on those spots. The chair needs to be comfortable, before being a good massage lounger. So, it is important for the people who are going to be using it to sit and try it out, only then will they enjoy the massaging effect. For their old tired bones, these chairs are the best option. If they have been out shopping for a couple of hours and are ready to relax, if they spend a few minutes over a massage, their bones will come alive and they will have more energy as before.

Picking up the best massage chair is essential, and while making the purchase, check on how many massage rollers there are in the chair. If you go towards the higher end chairs, they might have up to 18 in them. However, just because there are so many, it doesn’t make the massage chair more effective. The quality of the material used, and the leather used on the upholstery will also add to the effectiveness and performance. Make sure the fabric used is leather or high quality resin; else you will have to worry about replacing them, since they could get dirty and wear out.

The main purpose of these massage recliners is to reduce your worries, so whenever you feel like a nerve is going to burst, spend a few minutes in this massage lounger and put your worries away. The newer models come with seat adjustment facility as well, which means you can recline the back rest to an almost lying down position or keep it erect. Same applies to the legs rest.


Relaxing With Shiatsu Massage Chairs

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You might have tried one of those massage chairs you see in department stores and malls. And you were impressed with the relaxation and calm that you experienced while sitting on the said chair. Now you are about to purchase your own massage chair, since you were convinced of the many benefits of having one.


shiatsu massage chairs

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If you're not sure what type of massage chair to get, you should definitely give Shiatsu massage chairs a try.

First, you may need to acquaint yourself with this fact. Shiatsu is an old form of Japanese therapy. It uses pressure on the finger and thumbs to promote the flow of positive energy to the body. Using anatomical plus physiological theories, Shiatsu has evolved through the years with various Western principles of anatomy and physiology.

Shiatsu massage chairs are items that give you a sample of Shiatsu therapy. They are best recommended for those who have recurring back pain and soreness in the muscles. A session in a Shiatsu massage chair likewise can promote calmness of the mind and body. It can also relieve depression and stress, as well as promote flexibility and positive thoughts.

The principles preached by Shiatsu have only gained popularity in recent years. Shiatsu massage chairs apply these principles with current technology and impressive functionality. The product tries to capture the true massage promoted by Shiatsu. There are other features too like body scanning technology, as well as an adjustable level of intensity that can allow an individual to change the intensity according to his preference and tolerance.

Shiatsu massage chairs allow a person to experience the many benefits of the therapy at the comforts of their home. The technique can likewise be experience by a person fully clothed. And since Shiatsu massage chairs are right at the comforts of home, any person can enjoy its many benefits as regularly as he wishes.

What's more, Shiatsu massage chairs are manufactured out of good quality material. Most are leather upholstered, which is normally the most expensive. There is also synthetic leather upholstering which is proven to be more durable, or vinyl upholstering which is not the most stylish but is a lot easier to maintain.

Shiatsu massage chairs are among the various types of massage chairs now prevalent in the market. Most of these massage chairs are power assisted. They can also be reclined, with the leg and back areas both at the same time. Some brands can be controlled wirelessly, while some have separate electrical controls for foot and back rest.

Most of these massage chairs too are between 20 to 22 inches in width, while at least 17 inches in depth. This helps the user determine if he can fit in the seats. The depth of the chair alters the leg length, thus people who have short legs can only us the leg rest function when they are upright especially if the chair is too deep for them.

Other brands of massage chairs can the person 6 inches from the chair, which means it can bring pain especially if your muscles are tight. Pads are provided to cushion the massage. There is also a massage chair that focuses on vibration massage which is more relaxing, however the technique does not exactly get toxins out of the person’s system.

In choosing for massage chairs, choose the unit that can accommodate wider individuals. Normally units can adjust their space from 2 to 4 inches. Buy massage chairs that can adjust the massage function to a specific area of the back. Likewise, choose from the speed options in the massage chair. Some combine tapping and kneading, the more advanced versions provide forward as well as reverse directional controls.

Indeed, shiatsu massage chairs can be very good investments for those wanting to enjoy a relaxing moment in their homes. Tired and stressed out professionals will appreciate the health benefits of these massage chairs. There are also other kinds of massage chairs that prove to be very good long term investments considering how they provide relaxation at home and spare individuals from expensive, frequent trips to the spa. So why not give these massage chairs a try, and see for yourself how relaxed and calm you can be right at the comforts of your home.


Massage In Orlando

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Orlando, Florida is an exciting city with beautiful scenery and several of the best theme parks in the world that demand attention from all. So, whether your stay in exciting Orlando is for a business trip, or an unforgettable family vacation at Disney World or Universal Studios, you might find you want to receive a massage therapy session. Massage in Orlando is widely available from independent Licensed and Certified Massage Therapists.


massage, orlando, florida, therapy, therapist, spas

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Orlando, Florida is an exciting city with beautiful scenery and several of the best theme parks in the world that demand attention from all. Orlando has fantastic weather and is a great place to live or to visit. So, whether your stay in exciting Orlando is for a business trip, an unforgettable family vacation at Disney World or Universal Studios, or a career related family relocation you might find you want to receive a massage therapy session. Massage in Orlando is widely available from independent Licensed and Certified Massage Therapists, Licensed Massage Establishments, and several world class Day Spas.

Massage in Orlando is an experience that is memorable and enjoyable and something you’ll want to repeat over and over. Whether your goal is to completely relax with a slow, soothing massage, relieve muscular pain and chronic tension, have a more comfortable pregnancy, or improve your sports performance Massage Therapists in Orlando can help you achieve your goals. In fact there are several types of Massage in Orlando that you can receive. The most commonly offered massage techniques in Orlando are:

Swedish Massage - relaxing massage using gliding strokes, kneading, friction, and striking strokes along with gentle stretching and rocking. This massage is soothing and reduces muscular soreness while improving overall circulation.

Deep Tissue Massage - massage of the deeper musculature and connective tissue to release chronic tension and pain. It’s often a firmer massage that is appreciated by experienced clients.

Hot Stone Massage - perhaps the most relaxing and luxurious massage you can get. Heated stones are used to perform the massage strokes while seeming to melt away stress and tension.

Trigger Point Therapy - targeted pain relief using specific pressure to release painful knots in muscles.

Neuromuscular Therapy - advanced pain relief targeting specific trigger points in muscles, tendons, and attachment sites.

Prenatal/Pregnancy Massage - massage for the mother-to-be helping her to decrease pain and discomfort throughout the pregnancy.

However, in addition to the more commonly practiced massage techniques your Orlando based Massage Therapist might also practice some other well known massage therapy techniques:

- Cupping Massage

- Medical Massage

- Acupressure

- Ortho-Bionomy

- Aromatherapy Massage

- Myofascial Release

- Orthopedic Massage

You might even want to try a special treat when you get a massage in Orlando like Couple's Massage where a couple can receive their massage together in the same massage room with two massage therapists. During the couples massage each member of the couple can choose to receive a different massage from that of their partner. Or, for the true massage therapy enthusiast some Licensed Massage Establishments and Day Spas offer Four Hand Massage, or Tandem Massage, where you can be massaged by two massage therapists at the same time.

Massage in Orlando is also very convenient to receive. Massage in Orlando is available on an incall basis at a Massage Therapist's office, salon, or clinic, in a Licensed Massage Establishment, or in one of many conveniently located Day Spas. Massage in Orlando is also available on an outcall basis in your Orlando area home, office, or hotel. No matter where you are in Orlando a great massage is just minutes away.

So what's stopping you from receiving the benefits of massage? Massage in Orlando is relaxing, stress reducing, pain relieving, and performance improving so get one'll be glad you did!


Ignite Your Massage Therapy Business!

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From: Massage TherapyEverybody would love to make lots of money quickly, working from home, and only doing a few hours of work per week. I've spent the past two years trying to find a great way of doing this. Only over the course of the past few months have I found any "get rich quick" programs worth buying. I've been trying to make money online for a long time. I had a few small websites, but they never made much more than a few hundred per month. It was easy money and didn't require much work


Business Oppurtunity,Employment oppurtunity,Internet income oppurtunity,

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From: Massage TherapyEverybody would love to make lots of money quickly, working from home, and only doing a few hours of work per week. I've spent the past two years trying to find a great way of doing this. Only over the course of the past few months have I found any "get rich quick" programs worth buying. I've been trying to make money online for a long time. I had a few small websites, but they never made much more than a few hundred per month. It was easy money and didn't require much work on my part, but I knew there were people out there doing better than I was and I knew I could do as well as them. Now, I've seen a lot of "get rich quick" programs. Most of these people make claims about earning $2000/day with Google or something similarly insane. Almost all of these people are complete liars. Even if they were making $2000/day with Google AdSense, it'd be because they had high- traffic websites with a lot of quality content. I'd know, because in one whole month, I never even made half of what they promised I'd make daily with their programs. Maybe you've already been scammed by one of these fraudsters. Anyway, I finally got sick of what was being offered. I decided I'd look through the all of the "get rich quick" programs I could find and see if there were any that were actually legitimate. I found that there were owners selling their programs for well over $100, but the information in them could be found almost anywhere online for free. Additionally, they all contained out-of-date information, had no e-mail support, no money back guarantees, and broken links in the downloads section. In conclusion, almost all of the programs I found were completely useless. The owners knew it, but they couldn't care less about their customers since they didn't offer refund policies! Amazingly, while looking through all of the programs, I actually did find a few legitimate programs. They were run by ordinary people like you and me, and they had found some great methods of making money from their home by doing very little work. I spent some time working with those programs, and my income is now ten times what it used to be. These programs provided a large amount of great information on how to make extra money on your computer doing very little work. Numerous customers had provided great feedback and reviews for their products. Many of them have started to make money just days after buying! Their programs have excellent prices, and the authors have a group of paid staff who are dedicating to helping you or providing assistance if you need any. I must say I was amazed! If you do decide to purchase any of the programs listed below, I recommend you join quickly. Most of the owners tell me they are getting an overwhelming number of sales and plan on raising prices in the near future, so order while prices are still low! To Your Online Success, Massage Therapy


Openly Gay Male Massage Therapist Trend

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Gay male massage therapist have started to bust out of their closet doors as more massage therapist are not afraid to be openly gay in the massage industry.


gay massage, male massage, gay issues, homosexuality, therapist, alternative medicine

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If you think gay massage therapists cater only to gay men, think again.

The popularity of massage therapy is at an all-time high, which comes as no surprise since it’s been known to do the body good for millennia.

But how’s this for a surprise? On a playing field where massage therapy has moved up in rank as reputable business, openly gay men are standing front and center in the competitive world. Board-certified, licensed, registered, it makes no difference. They all mean business, and their satisfied clients are extolling the benefits loud and clear. Sound intriguing? Keep reading.

If you’re a straight guy who suffers any homophobic angst about it, free yourself from out-dated fear and commit this to memory: Gay massage therapy is not synonymous with gay sex. And don’t be fooled about whether or not you’ll get a he-man workout; he won’t pull any punches when it’s time to knuckle down on those angst-induced kinks. Straight men benefit from safe and rewarding massages under the healing care of gay men, and they never know it. Or, perhaps they do know and don’t care. Gay masseurs daily roam the world of multi-cultural free enterprise where sexual orientation is about as important as eye-color.

Likewise, just as many women want a rewarding and non-sexual massage experience in a safe environment, and they want it from a man just like the straight guys. For them, who could be more ideal than a gay masseur?

Answer: Probably no one.

For some women, a gay masseur is a must-have over a masseuse or straight masseur. Reason? Higher comfort level. Gay massage therapists seem more in tune with nurturing, allowing these female clients to drop a lot of poor body-image baggage outside the door. Heck, she may lower her shackles of unhealthy inhibitions enough to consider a clothing-optional massage.

In a fully holistic approach to massage, the client, whether male or female, is likely to feel comfortable enough to lie completing unclothed, with or without a thin sheet of drapery for warmth and basic human sense of security. Gentle reminder: It’s not about exhibitionism; it’s about closing the space between sore muscles and trained hands. It’s as necessary as water, all the while being completely non-sexual and safe.

Ah, we’re working toward a Massage Utopia, you say. Certainly, all professional massage therapists world-over are raising these stress-allaying stations, right? Wrong. Especially when it comes to corporate massage business.

Here’s another surprise: The pro massage therapist must follow strict guidelines if he or she is employed with name-brand gyms and uber spas, and those guidelines mean ‘brick wall’ between you and a boundary-free massage. Ever had a spa or gym massage? Maybe it felt nice, but was it memorable? The ambience, if there was one, was more sterile than stellar. Maybe the session felt rushed, or maybe a massage sans attire was prohibited. Blame Big Business-imposed regulations for your mediocre experience.

But thank your gay masseur in his privately owned practice! With fewer restrictions, a gay masseur has already carefully arranged an intimate massage space of serene warmth. Note the details. Does candlelight dancing over earth-toned walls soothe the eye? Does soft music sing to the heart? Are you considering a visit to the massage astral plane au naturel? Go with it and relax. Your soul thirsts for serenity with no boundary, and it’s long overdue.

So long overdue, in fact, you’re now ready to scout down your heroic gay masseur. Chances are, you won’t find ‘Gay Masseur’ listed in the Yellow Pages, and you’re rather certain he isn’t living next door. So what’s your best bet?

For starters, try , where you’re almost guaranteed to find your therapist within driving distance. But, even if the drive is farther than you thought, don’t give up. What we consider the benefits of the big city are starting to spread into smaller communities, bringing better-quality massage therapy closer to home sooner than you think. And openly gay massage therapists are setting up mood-friendly and privately owned shop in neighborhoods everywhere.

Once you’ve found him, you’re in for a stress-wringing treat. Stereotypes aside, allow that a gay man may be more sensitive to the needs of others around him, and this includes you. His healing power of touch is likely to feel more intuitive than ‘learned’. Who knows? You may feel relaxed enough to let fly that toxic self-image enough to experience a massage with nary a stitch of whatever you wore in. Let’s face it; getting a massage in your clothes is like sunbathing in a parka.


Massage Your Head The Indian Way

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Massage, a revered form of healing is in practice since decades. Touch which is a vitally important to human well being takes the form of skilled and sensitive massage. Beside relaxing and revitalizing an ailing or tired body, it communicates warmth, reassurance and a sense of self worth. Massage is an ideal way to ease anxiety, worries and soothe tight muscles resulting from tension and stress. There are many kinds, variations, styles and sequences of massage, influenced by ...


Massage Therapy, Massage oils, Head Massage, Indian Head Massage

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Massage, a revered form of healing is in practice since decades. Touch which is a vitally important to human well being takes the form of skilled and sensitive massage. Beside relaxing and revitalizing an ailing or tired body, it communicates warmth, reassurance and a sense of self worth. Massage is an ideal way to ease anxiety, worries and soothe tight muscles resulting from tension and stress. There are many kinds, variations, styles and sequences of massage, influenced by local traditions, used in different parts of the world.

Indian head massage is one of the most popular forms of head massage also known as "Champissage" is characterized by a sequence of massage movements.

Originated over thousands of years ago in India, Indian head massage, traditionally began as family grooming with mothers massaging their daughter’s hair with oils for long lustrous locks.

Over a period of time, Indian head massage has included massage of the neck, shoulder and face with a blend of shiatsu and acupressure to relax tense areas, rebalance the energy and clear any concentrated areas of negativity.

Since there are several acupressure points on the head, a Champissage is felt throughout the entire body. The massage may be dry or oils may be used. The advantage of using oils for massage is that besides nourishing the hair, it calms the nervous system, as the roots of one's hair are connected to nerve fibres.

Indian head massage is beneficial to those who are affected by mental and emotional stress. It helps to improve circulation in head, enhance the senses, improve memory and promote clear thinking.

If you’re suffering from headaches, migraines, insomnia, vertigo and depression, Champissage will work wonders. Air conditioning, artificial lightening, slouching in front of the PC, etc often cause stress in the neck and shoulder region. Massaging the neck and shoulder areas in addition to the head massage will bring relief from stress.

Reduces hair loss, premature balding & graying, improves eyesight and concentration due to massage of the temples, eyebrows and forehead. People with chronic spinal disorders such as osteoporosis and arthritis require a more gentle massage. The pressure should be applied according to the need of the individual.


Portable Massage Tables And Massage Therapy

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Portable massage tables are the very important tools. Massage therapy is a hands-on management of the soft tissue and joints of the body and using a portable massage table can make giving and receiving a massage that a lot easier.

A portable massage table has pairs of legs at each end, and two pairs of recessed centre legs. This system offers the advantage of carrying safe working loads of up to 300kg without any visible degree of table flex or torque so that the masseur’s...


massage tables

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Portable massage tables are the very important tools. Massage therapy is a hands-on management of the soft tissue and joints of the body and using a portable massage table can make giving and receiving a massage that a lot easier.

A portable massage table has pairs of legs at each end, and two pairs of recessed centre legs. This system offers the advantage of carrying safe working loads of up to 300kg without any visible degree of table flex or torque so that the masseur’s effort goes into his client and is not wasted by bending the table. Fibre and aluminium are increasingly used in the making of portable massage tables since these materials offer essential benefits of tenacity, durability and low weight.

Exotic aluminium portable massage tables are designed to be squeak-free and come in custom sizes, adjustable height and backrest; replete with face cradle, tapered, high-resilient, foam-cushioned, sewn edges with shoulder recesses to prevent restriction of blood flow to the arms when they hang over the sides of the table. What’s more, this ingenious piece of design folds just as quickly and easily into a compact carrying case!

A massage suggests many various physiological effects. They are mainly due to the therapist's hands affecting the body in a way that influences all its systems – and mainly, the muscular by lessening muscle tension and sense of stress; the circulatory by reducing heart rate and blood pressure.

Massage affects the lymphatic by improving the blood flow and lymph fluids in the body. Most important, massage therapy helps to meet the human need for the caring and affirmative touch. No wonder, lots of people find massage therapy so supportive in so many ways! Even the great Hippocrates who learnt this art from Herodicus way back in the 4th Century B.C., had advised thus in so many words when he said - "The physician must be acquainted with many things and assuredly with rubbing" (the ancient Greek and Roman term for massage).

Of the different kinds of massage therapies available, the most sought after are the Swedish massage, Vibrational Healing Massage Therapy, Shiatsu, Reflexology, Cranial Sacral Balancing, Chi Nei Tsang, and the increasingly popular Kerala Ayurvedic massage therapy.

Ancient Massage was essentially a floor massage. However today, as in all other spheres, technology has taken the driver’s seat to produce massage tables which are not only classy and comfortable for the client, but also provides access convenience and resilience for the masseur.


Openly Gay Massage Therapists Go Universal

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Openly gay male massage therapist have started to bust out of their closet doors as more and more massage therapist are not afraid to be openly gay in the industry.


gay massage, male massage, massage therapist, homosexual, openly gay, therapy

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If you think gay massage therapists cater only to gay men, think again.

The popularity of massage therapy is at an all-time high, which comes as no surprise since it’s been known to do the body good for millennia.

But how’s this for a surprise? On a playing field where massage therapy has moved up in rank as reputable business, openly gay men are standing front and center in the competitive world. Board-certified, licensed, registered, it makes no difference. They all mean business, and their satisfied clients are extolling the benefits loud and clear. Sound intriguing? Keep reading.

If you’re a straight guy who suffers any homophobic angst about it, free yourself from out-dated fear and commit this to memory: Gay massage therapy is not synonymous with gay sex. And don’t be fooled about whether or not you’ll get a he-man workout; he won’t pull any punches when it’s time to knuckle down on those angst-induced kinks. Straight men benefit from safe and rewarding massages under the healing care of gay men, and they never know it. Or, perhaps they do know and don’t care. Gay masseurs daily roam the world of multi-cultural free enterprise where sexual orientation is about as important as eye-color.

Likewise, just as many women want a rewarding and non-sexual massage experience in a safe environment, and they want it from a man just like the straight guys. For them, who could be more ideal than a gay masseur?

Answer: Probably no one.

For some women, a gay masseur is a must-have over a masseuse or straight masseur. Reason? Higher comfort level. Gay massage therapists seem more in tune with nurturing, allowing these female clients to drop a lot of poor body-image baggage outside the door. Heck, she may lower her shackles of unhealthy inhibitions enough to consider a clothing-optional massage.

In a fully holistic approach to massage, the client, whether male or female, is likely to feel comfortable enough to lie completing unclothed, with or without a thin sheet of drapery for warmth and basic human sense of security. Gentle reminder: It’s not about exhibitionism; it’s about closing the space between sore muscles and trained hands. It’s as necessary as water, all the while being completely non-sexual and safe.

Ah, we’re working toward a Massage Utopia, you say. Certainly, all professional massage therapists world-over are raising these stress-allaying stations, right? Wrong. Especially when it comes to corporate massage business.

Here’s another surprise: The pro massage therapist must follow strict guidelines if he or she is employed with name-brand gyms and uber spas, and those guidelines mean ‘brick wall’ between you and a boundary-free massage. Ever had a spa or gym massage? Maybe it felt nice, but was it memorable? The ambience, if there was one, was more sterile than stellar. Maybe the session felt rushed, or maybe a massage sans attire was prohibited. Blame Big Business-imposed regulations for your mediocre experience.

But thank your gay masseur in his privately owned practice! With fewer restrictions, a gay masseur has already carefully arranged an intimate massage space of serene warmth. Note the details. Does candlelight dancing over earth-toned walls soothe the eye? Does soft music sing to the heart? Are you considering a visit to the massage astral plane au naturel? Go with it and relax. Your soul thirsts for serenity with no boundary, and it’s long overdue.

So long overdue, in fact, you’re now ready to scout down your heroic gay masseur. Chances are, you won’t find ‘Gay Masseur’ listed in the Yellow Pages, and you’re rather certain he isn’t living next door. So what’s your best bet?

For starters, try, where you’re almost guaranteed to find your therapist within driving distance. But, even if the drive is farther than you thought, don’t give up. What we consider the benefits of the big city are starting to spread into smaller communities, bringing better-quality massage therapy closer to home sooner than you think. And openly gay massage therapists are setting up mood-friendly and privately owned shop in neighborhoods everywhere.

Once you’ve found him, you’re in for a stress-wringing treat. Stereotypes aside, allow that a gay man may be more sensitive to the needs of others around him, and this includes you. His healing power of touch is likely to feel more intuitive than ‘learned’. Who knows? You may feel relaxed enough to let fly that toxic self-image enough to experience a massage with nary a stitch of whatever you wore in. Let’s face it; getting a massage in your clothes is like sunbathing in a parka.